Archive for 6. Healing Strategy, Rotations and Builds

Healing Strategy, Rotations and Builds

Healing Strategy

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Generic HoT Cycles

High-Damage Boss Fights (Single Tank)
On certain “high-octane” boss fights (like Bear in ZA, or Phase 2 Prince in Kara) you’ll want to be focusing your entire attention on the tank. Keep every HoT you can on them… LB stacks, Rejuv, and the Regrowth HoT and then have your finger hovering over the Swiftmend Button. You should also be “escape-healing” with Regrowth. This means you let a Regrowth charge up, and then hit ESCAPE right before it goes off IF the tank doesn’t need the heal. This way if the tank gets hit with a huge amount of burst damage your heal is already on its way. Keep in mind that the FSR doesn’t start until a cast has actually finished, by escape-healing keeps you out of the FSR and saves mana.

Raid Spot Healing (1 MT) – 6 second cycle
If you’re assigned to spot heal, then you STILL want to keep an LB triple stack up on the tank at all times (this is just too much healing to ignore). There are exceptions (times when you just have to spend all your time healing the raid), but mostly you want to use a rotation like this:

  • LB on Main Tank
  • Rejuv/LB on raid target (LB if ~2400 health or less, Rejuv if ~3000 health or more)
  • Rejuv/LB on raid target
  • Rejuv/LB on raid target
  • — New Cycle —
  • LB on Main Tank
  • etc…

2 Main Tanks
With two main tanks you should easily be able to keep LB stacks and Rejuv on both of them for the duration of the fight (and have some in-between time to raid heal if you so choose). Here’s a cookie-cutter rotation:

LB Tank 1, LB Tank 2, Rejuv Tank 1, (downtime), LB Tank 1, LB Tank 2, Rejuv Tank 2, (downtime), etc…

3 Main Tanks
If you have a perfect connection, you should be able to keep LB on all 3 tanks, and Rejuv on 2 of them. Here’s how you do it:

LB 1, LB 2, LB 3, Rejuv 1, LB 1, LB 2, LB 3, Rejuv 2, repeat

With a less-than-perfect connection, you can still keep LB triple-stacks on all three tanks without any trouble.

4 Main Tanks
Keep LB stacks on all 4 tanks (if your latency is good enough).

Macros can really help out in boss fights where you have to heal multiple tanks during certain phases (Hydross and Kael come to mind). An interesting idea is to use targeting macros on hotkeys F1-F4 for those phases. A macro like this works well:

 /target TankName
 /cast [modifier:shift] Rejuvenation ; Lifebloom

If you hold shift while pressing this hotkey, you will cast Rejuv, otherwise you will cast LB. Be sure to test that this macro works before you try to use it in raids. For example, if you bind this macro to F1, you also need to make sure that Shift+F1 is not bound to anything else (otherwise the modifier won’t work).

Once again, if find that your mana pool doesn’t allow you to continuously throw HoTs every second of a boss fight, then you’re only gimping yourself in terms of your maximum healing capabilities. You need more regen gear (or you need to spend more money on pots).


Healing 10s vs. 25s, Part One (The Basics)

The topic has already been written about in a general sense before, but after running multiple ten and twenty-five man raids it is quite apparent that things are not nearly as difficult from a single player’s perspective in a twenty-five man raid. Instead of rehashing an existing debate, however, this post is meant to provide a solid understanding of the different techniques that restoration druids will most likely utilize in the two, very different, raiding situations.
Section One, The Spells:
  • Lifebloom – Even with the upcoming changes in 3.1 (Nerf this Druid has a wonderful write-up on her testing numbers on the PTR) Lifebloom is still going to provide a significant role in raid healing.
  • Rejuvenation – Especially with the Tier 8 Set Bonus forthcoming.
  • Regrowth
  • Healing Touch
  • Wild Growth
  • Nourish – This may become a larger part of a druid’s healing profile, though not until playing more with the changes once patch 3.1 hits live will we know for certain to what extent.

Section Two, Healing Setup:

Section Three, 10-Man Healing Style:

There are multiple ways for restoration druids to heal, of that there can be no doubts. For those that utilize different talent builds (typically the Dreamstate based builds or those that place more emphasis on Healing Touch) things will be a little different.

The Raid Healer – Currently will utilize Wild Growth, Rejuvenation, and Lifebloom the most, except in cases where heavy, direct damage is being taken (which, honestly, is a great time to use Nourish for a nice, quick heal). After the 3.1 patch it is doubtful this will change much.

The Tank Healer – Currently utilizes a rolling stack of Lifeblooms, Rejuvenation, and Regrowth most often, with the occasional Nourish or Healing Touch to make up for the difference in damage versus what the HoTs will heal for. Note that this is where Swiftmend is extremely useful, and should be a large component of any restoration druid’s direct healing arsenal. After the 3.1 patch there will be some modifications to this approach, although depending on gear and the duration of the encounter it is quite possible to see no changes on this style.

The Mixed Healer – In a typical 10-Man raid many groups only utilize two healers. In this type of situation things change greatly. Typically Lifebloom will be rolling on the tank or tanks, with the occasional one tossed on raid members. In addition, Rejuvenation, Wild Growth, Regrowth, Swiftmend, and Nourish all end up being utilized in varying degrees across encounters. This is where the ability to adapt and react quickly becomes most important, especially in a situation where one healer could end up having to heal through an entire encounter due to death, a disconnect, random patrols, lag, or even a zombie outbreak.

Healing assignments are helpful in this situation, but not necessarily able to be followed. When two healers know their class(es) well assignments are often ignored anyway, aside from making certain their primary healing focus stays alive. A well-adjusted healing team will not normally need to communicate much, aside from something as specific as “when melee dps one and melee dps two get frozen by KT I’ll heal one and you heal two.” Granted, this will contribute to a lower overall efficiency and more overhealing for the raid totals, but those numbers should be ignored on an overall raid level unless there is a very, very specific reason for needing to evaluate those topics.

Section Four, 25-Man Healing Style:

 The Raid Healer – Currently will utilize Wild Growth and Lifebloom the most. Not only is this extremely efficient, but in most cases is all that is necessary for the typical 25-man run. The occasional Regrowth as needed rounds out the primary abilities used.

The Tank Healer – Currently utilizes a rolling stack of Lifeblooms, Rejuvenation, and Regrowth most often, with Swiftmend tending to make up the difference on damage taken versus what HoTs or another healer has healed. Many druids go to Healing Touch in this scenario, but without it’s cast time reduced it is not very efficient, and will lead to a lower healing output.

The Mixed Healer – Practically the same as the raid healer in a 25-man, with the difference of adding Swiftmend and Nourish where applicable on the tanks or on a raid member suddenly taking abnormal damage. The primary difference in this scenario is that the mixed healer will most likely be maintaining a rolling stack of lifeblooms on the main tank in order to help absorb the damage while using the other time available between refreshes to heal raid members as needed.

*Part two, which will be posted later this week, will go more into the difficulty of 10-mans versus 25-mans. This series is not intended as a definitive guide, especially with patch 3.1 looming close, but as an overview of what abilities fit well for the types of healing one will encounter in T7 raid content, and to provide a basis for understanding “adaptive healing” (which will also be detailed in part two).



 Talent Calculator


Pure PvE Tree Form
This is the basics for PvE tree raiding. Of course this spec can be altered by removing Nature’s Splendor and Nature’s Majesty to instead use 3 points in Replenish. This will drop the healing of a Druid but to slightly help increase raid DPS. The Major Glyphs used should be used and the minor glyphs will help. (Except for Aquatic Form, just my preference since there’s nothing else.)

PvP Tree Form
You could also swap 3 points from Nature’s Focus into Subtlety if you prefer. This is an acceptable raid build since you really don’t lose anything except 15% spirit and a few points in Subtlety. Now that is a lot of spirit, but it’s understandable if you spec this way since now you can PvP/Arena and raid without shelling out 100g a week. The loss of the spirit talent may affect your trinket choice, but we’ll discuss this more later. The regen you lose from the extra spirit can be made up for with a few extra mana pots.

Dreamstate Healing Touch Spec
The whole idea here is that your HTs cost 19% less mana, heal for 300-400 more, and you get a bonus to your healing and mp5 from Lunar Guidance and Dreamstate. Then in raids you heal with Rank 5 HT, and your max-rank HT. In my opinion tree form is more powerful except for in very specific situations. Dreamstate/HT druids can be very effective, but it takes a lot of practice, and a specific raiding role.